Renew version

Thank you for your business. Your success is what makes us thrive in providing better products and services.
Certified Developer


The renewal service is where we learn if we have successfully make you as our valued customer happy through out the year. You are free to make the purchase for your renewal license prior to the notice given by SimiCart (the license will start counting to the date of your original purchase still). 

What you get when you renew your license?

  1. New Updates:  Get your app updated to the newest platform for all free of charge. 
  2. Support :  Receive SimiCart support and license for another additional year.

Important Notice

  1. - Your App will be temporary shut down if you fail to reply and contact SimiCart support
  2. - There is no free customization in the renew amount unless it is an upgrade to another package 
  3. - The renew amount must be paid in full 
  4. - If you have a customized app and wish to update to the new platform there might be charges involved